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Major Sponsors

Men's Apostolate, Diocese of Ft. Wayne-South Bend
We are Catholic men who seek to Rekindle the Fire of Christ's love within us, and become better leaders, friends, husbands, fathers and sons; the men God calls us to be, through prayer, fellowship, faith and spiritual service to our family, parish and community.
RTF Chapters
Chapters are popping up throughout the diocese. Find the one closest to you and come join us at our next meeting!
St. Vincent dePaul
Fort Wayne (North)
Third Sunday of the month,
6:30PM - Parish Hall (look for lit torch at door)
St. Thomas the Apostle
Sons of St. Joseph meet third Sunday of the Month
4:00 PM - Elliott Hall. Mass follows at 6:00 PM.
St. John the Evangelist
Third Tuesday of the Month
8:00 PM in the church basement.
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